The origins of the company date back to 1860, when Irish immigrant Edward Kelley started a part-time hauling business in Connecticut. Well before the age of the automobile (or truck or bus), the hauling was done by horses. Kelleyu2019s horses were also supplied to the Torrington Fire Department. Trucks eventually replaced the horses, and over the years the company branched out to three divisionsu2014coal/fuel, livery and busing. Three generations of the Kelley family owned and operated the business, and the trucking and fuel/coal divisions eventually were dissolved. The family focused its attention on the remaining division--passenger transportation.In 2005, after 145 years of continuous operation, the Kelley family sold the business to John and Corinne Nason. John Nason has 30 years in the passenger transportation business, with extensive experience with transit contracts, paratransit operations, and transit project start-ups around the country.Today, although the company continues to proudly operate from Torrington, Connecticut, our service extends well beyond our area. We can take you anywhere within the U.S. or Canada.Our focus is on you, the customer, whether youu2019re a large company, a public entity, or an individual. Our professional, friendly, knowledgeable staff can assist you in planning your travel needs from start to finish.