but was processed just the same; grossly overcharged rather than what l was supposed to be charged; could not return
declared a food product even though lid is plastic sealed and in strong plastic bottle; was sent twice as much stock than expected and charged for stock not wanted; bottle labelled as a ""dietary supplement"". Overall
Tripwire Operations Group
1685 Baltimore Pike 17325 Gettysburg United States
it was a little more than an hour before the dealer closed. Finally got a text message back telling me that I had double booked with another transport company and that I needed to cancel that contract before they could ship my car. I never contracted with another company. I texted Carlton back trying to get more information and then called and finally got theough. He told me that Neptune shipping had somehow listed my vehicle on the Transport Board to ship. After calling Neptune and chewing them out for making me miss my vehicle shipment I called Carlton back
EM Paving & Sealcoating
- 30114 Canton, GA United States
Lot 2 Restaurant Wine Bar
Arc Excavation INC
15364 Yellow Bluff Rd 32226 Jacksonville, FL United States