the water pump of the central heating starts failing and I get a quote for the repair costs of about 600 Eur. I don't consider to be normal to spend 600 Eur more (30% of the initial purchase cost) after 2 years of using the boiler. This is just poor quality. I tried to reach them out via phone
energy and money. If you want a nice looking plastic box with a led screen and crappy parts on the inside
Pack Mule
3680 Chestnut St 30079 Scottdale, GA United States
3389 N Greens Ln 72703 Fayetteville United States
I selected 2 Chocolate
Terrible customer service
Voyages Booth
747 3rd Ave 2nd Floor Unit #114 10017 New York United States
Garage Door Repair Arlington, TX
Wheat and Fire Pizza Catering
6393 Sunset Rd 92252 Joshua Tree United States
22648 Glenn Drive Ste 206 20164 Sterling, VA United States
2020 N. Academy Blvd 80909 colorado springs United States
Garage Door Repair Minneapolis
Johnson St NE 55418 Minneapolis United States
it was a little more than an hour before the dealer closed. Finally got a text message back telling me that I had double booked with another transport company and that I needed to cancel that contract before they could ship my car. I never contracted with another company. I texted Carlton back trying to get more information and then called and finally got theough. He told me that Neptune shipping had somehow listed my vehicle on the Transport Board to ship. After calling Neptune and chewing them out for making me miss my vehicle shipment I called Carlton back
3524 Silverside Road Suite 35B 19810-4929 Wilmington United States
Scientology opened its new Ideal Org in Printer's Row. The management of Imprint threatened a tenant with trespass if they allowed a known Scientology protester to enter the building. First off to think a company that you pay a monthly fee to would threaten you with trespass is horrid enough
Chosen Foods
Luxury Comforts Shop
Fulfillment Center 92606-1001 IRVINE United States